Име и презиме

Д-р спец. Алили Адеми Леарта


2000-2004 година: приватно средно училиште Private College “Yahya Kemal” – Гостивар 2004-2010 година: Медицински факултет, Универзитет „ св.Кирил и Методиј„ – Скопје, Македонија 2018- 2021година: студент на докторски студии, област Клиничка медицина, Педијатрија 2015-2020 година : Специјализација по болничка педијатрија Специјалист педијатар од 17.07.2020 Познавање на странски јазици: Англиски јазик – C1, германски јазик – A2, македонски јазик, шпански јазик, турски јазик.

Работно искуство

СЕГАШНО 17/07/2020 – специјалист педијатар во ЈЗУ УК за детски болести, оддел за неврологија ПРЕТХОДНО 01/03/2015 – 17/07/2020; специјализант по болничка педијатрија ЈЗУ УК за детски болести, Скопје, Македонија 01/04/2015 – 30/11/2017; Лекар на специјализација, Општа болница „Ферид Мурат„ Ургентен центар – Гостивар, Македнија 01/09/2013 – 01/04/2015 Лекар, Општа болница „Ферид Мурат„ Ургентен центар – Гостивар, Македнија 01/09/2012 – 01/09/2013; Лекар, Општа болница „Ферид Мурат„ Педијатриско одделение – Гостивар, Македнија 20/10/2011 – 01/09/2012; Општ лекар во поликлиника „ Ехомед „ – Гостивар, Македонија 20/04/2011 – 20/10/2011; Волонтер во ОБ „Ферид Мурат„ Педијатриско одделение – Гостивар, Македнија 15/10/2010 – 15/4/2011; Волонтер во ОБ „Ферид Мурат„ Гинеколошко-акушерско одделение, неонатолошки дел – Гостивар, Македнија

Дополнителни едукации

1. AAF/OMI/Medical seminars/Pediatric neurology, 14-20 April, 2019, Salzburg,Austria 2. AAF/OMI/Medical seminars/General pediatrics, 9-15 September,2018, Salzburg, Austria 3. 10th RMHS International summer course on research methodology and ethics in health sciences, 17-28 June, 2019, Istanbul, Turkey 4. 18th International Scientific Conference- Power of knowledgw, 27-29 September 2018, Agia Triada, Greece 5. 6th Rare disease in SEE meeting, Skopje, Macedonia (EAP, UEMS Section of Pediatrics), Macedonian Academy of science and arts (MASA), Skopje, November 11, 2017 6. 15th Jubilee International Scientific Conference – Knowledge In practice, 15-17 December 2017, Bansko, Bulgaria 7. Virtual Expert Masterclass on Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, CEE & CIS region (An educational programme organized and funded by PTC Therapeutics).11 September 2020 8. Second international scientific – practical virtual conference – modern medicine: problems, prognoses and solutions, MMPPS Virtual Conference, Modern medicine,18-20 December, 2020 9. Second International Scientific-Practical Conference: Modern Information, Measurement and Control Systems: Problems and Perspectives MIMCS in Medical-Biological Research December 07-08, 2020 Baku, Azerbaijan MIMCS – 2020 10. Live educational activity titled MDS-ES: Genetics of Parkinson’s Disease ,October 16, 2020 11. Live educational activity titled MDS-ES: Movement Disorders in Neurological and Systemic Disorders, October 31, 2020 and November 1, 2020. 12. Live educational activity titled MDS Virtual Congress 2020, September 12-16, 2020. 13. Live educational activity titled MDS-ES: Management of Advanced Parkinson’s Disease with Infusion Therapies, November 12-13, 2020.

Стручни вештини

Ехо на ЦНС, ЕЕГ


1. Alili Ademi L, Ademi B. Evaluation and management of a child with febrile seizure, Knowlegde – International journal, Knowledge In practice, Vol. 20.4 Bansko, December, 2017, 1775-1778 2. Alili Ademi L., Ademi B. Acute disseminatted encephalomyelitis:clinical presentation, diagnostics, treatment, outcome and distingwishness from multiple sclerosis – Knowledge International journal, Medical sciences and health Vol.26 No.4 Skopje, 2018, 1045-1050 3. Duma F, Alili Ademi L, Damjanovska G, Sabolik V, Muaremoska- Kanzoska L, Milenkova L, Medical cannabis in pediatrics, myth or real possibility, International Journal of medicine and health care, Volume 4. ISSN: 2545 – 4188 (online) 2nd International multidisciplinary scientific conference, IMSC 2019, September 28, 2019, Tetova, North Macedonia 4. Alili Ademi L, Ademi B. Pediatric headaches: types, clinical features, diagnosis and managemnet, a literature review. Knowlegde – International journal, Medical sciences and health Vol.45.7 No.7, Skopje 2021, 1453-1460 5. Alili Ademi L. R.Trajkova, B.Ademi,G.Hnida, Z.Gucev , Myasthenia gravis in a girl with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, 6th Rare disease in SEE meeting, Skopje, Macedonia (EAP, UEMS Section of paediatrics), Macedonian Academy of science and arts (MASA), Skopje, November 11, 2017, book of abstracts 6. Alili Ademi L ADEM – A pediatric case series in a tertiary care hospital, EPNS Congress – Athens, Greece 17-21 September, book of abstracts P03-33 7. Alili Ademi L., Duma F., Sabolik V., Muaremoska Kanzoska L., Milenkova L. Eligibility criteria for presurgical evaluation: A case series of pediatric refractory epilepsy, 7th Pediatric Congress, Strumica, Makedonia, June 25-28 2019 book of abstracts 8. Duma F, Sabolic V, Muaremoska Kanzoska L , Alili Ademi L , Milenkova L Practical Experiences and Perceptions of the Effects of Kanobil® Epi as an Additional Treatment in Refractory Epilepsy in Children, Clinical frontiers in pediatric neurology, 17-18 October 2019, Ljubljana, Slovenia, book of abstracts 31-32 9. Learta A. Ademi, Blerim Ademi Family physician’s role in the evaluation of respiratory tract infections in child age Professional medical meeting – xviii – 26-27/10/2013, Struga, Macedonia, book of abstracts 150-151 10. Ademi B, Alili Ademi L, Beqir A Reforms in primary health care in Macedonia Professional medical meeting – xviii – 26-27/10/2013, Struga, Macedonia, book of abstracts 148-14 11. Alili Ademi L.,Ademi B. Choledocal cyst in infancy- presentation of the disease with a case report International Professional medical meeting, 26-28 October, 2018, Struga, Macedonia , book of abstracts 32-33 12. Duma F, Damjanovska G, Sabolik V, Muaremoska Kanzoska L, Ademi L, Milenkova L. MEDICAL CANNABIS IN PEDIATRICS
Overview of current evidence and possible uses 7th Pediatric Congress, Strumica, Makedonia, June 25-28 2019, book of abstracts 13. Muaremoska Kanzoska L, Duma F, Sabolik V, Ademi L, Milenkova L. Lissencephaly 7th Pediatric Congress, Strumica, Makedonia, June 25-28 2019, book of abstracts 14. Milenkova L, Duma F, Damjanovska G, Sabolik V, Muaremoska Kanzoska L, Ademi L. Autoimmune encephalitis with antibodies against glutamic acid decarboxylase 7th Pediatric Congress, Strumica, Makedonia, June 25-28 2019, book of abstracts 15. Duma F., Sabolik – Avramovska V., Angelkova N., Alili – Ademi L., Trajkova R. Preparation of a patient with refractory epilepsy for a surgical treatment, book of abstracts 16. B. Ademi, L. Alili Ademi The screening sonography of abdominal cavity in Primary health care. III Congress of GP doctors of Republic of Macedonia with international participation, Ohrid, Macedonia April 26 – 29, 2012, book of abstracts 17. B. Ademi, L. A. Ademi, Reforms in primary health care in Macedonia, Medicus Journal – December 2012, 210-213, Vol · 18 (2) · Dhjetor/December 2012 ISSN 1409-6366 UDC 61 18. Case presentation, keynote speaker, World Pediatrics Summit, December 6-7, 2018 Madrid, Spain 19. Learta Aljili Ademi, Filip Duma, Blerim Ademi, Lejla Muaremoska Kanzoska, Danilo Nonkulovski Epilepsy with heterozygous aldh7a1 and slc6a1 mutations, Medicus Journal – December 2020, Vol.25(3): 464-467 20. Learta Alili Ademi, Blerim Ademi, ACUTE DISSEMINATED ENCEPHALOMYELITIS IN A 5 YEARS OLD BOY, A CASE REPORT, THE SECOND INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC – PRACTICAL VIRTUAL CONFERENCE – MODERN MEDICINE: PROBLEMS, PROGNOSES AND SOLUTIONS, MMPPS Virtual Conference, Modern medicine,18-20 December, 2020, Book of abstracts 12 21. Learta Alili Ademi, Blerim Ademi, GENETIC TESTING IN PEDIATRIC EPILEPSY, Second International Scientific-Practical Conference: Modern Information, Measurement and Control Systems: Problems and Perspectives MIMCS in Medical-Biological Research December 07-08, 2020 Baku, Azerbaijan MIMCS – 2020 Virtual room 2.1.Book of abstracts 22. Learta Alili Ademi, Blerim Ademi, Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis in a 5 years old boy, a case report (06.01.2021) ALISJMSC Ambiance in life-international scientific journal in medicine journal of behavioral medicine, VOLUME 06 ISSUE 01 2021 ,44-49 , ISSN: 2346-8068, E – ISSN: 2346 – 8181; DOI: 10.36962/ALISJMSC http://sc-media.org/ambiance-in-life-isjmsc 23. Learta Alili Ademi, Blerim Ademi, Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis in a 5 years old boy, a case report (2020) BLACK SEA SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL OF ACADEMIC RESEARCH NOVEMBER-DECEMBER 2020 VOLUME 57 ISSUE 06 33-37 ISSN: 1987 – 6521, E – ISSN: 2346 – 7541 24. Danilo Nonkulovski, Filip Duma, Lejla Muaremoska Kanzoska, Learta Alili Ademi, Matilda Stojanovska, Maja Tankoska, Julijana Georgievska, Ivona Petkovska Ivanovska and Boro Ilievski (2020) Ganglioglioma associated with focal epilepsy. Journal of the Macedonian medical association, Mac.Med.Preview, 2020; 74(3): 215-218. 25. Alili Ademi L. , Duma F. , Sofijanova A. , Bojadzieva S. , Ademi B. , Muaremoska-Kanzoska Lj. , Nonkulovski D. , Abraseva K. , Vesna Fidanoska Jovichikj (2021) POST COVID-19 neurological syndrome (PCNS) in an 11 years old boy a case report (07.02.2021) ALISJMSC Ambiance in life-international scientific journal in medicine, Journal of behavioral medicine, VOLUME 07 ISSUE 02 2021 ,12-20 , ISSN: 2346-8068, E – ISSN: 2346 – 8181; DOI: 10.36962/ALISJMSC http://scia-science.org/index.php/AILISJM 26. Learta Alili Ademi, Blerim Ademi, Filip Duma (2021) Neuroimaging in pediatric headaches: outpatient experience in tertiary center (07.02.2021) ALISJMSC Ambiance in life-international scientific journal in medicine, Journal of behavioral medicine, VOLUME 07 ISSUE 02 2021 ,43-49, ISSN: 2346-8068, E – ISSN: 2346 – 8181; DOI: 10.36962/ALISJMSC http://scia-science.org/index.php/AILISJM 27. Learta Alili Ademi Cпинална мускулна атрофија (СМА), знаеме ли се за првите симптоми? – Комерцијалн текст – Лекарски весник бр.127, Март 2021 28. Alili Ademi L., Duma F., Durmisi N, Ademi B., Muaremoska-Kanzoska Lj, Nonkulovski D,Dukovska V , Milenkova L, Fidanoska Jovichikj V. Munchausen syndrome (MS) with gait disturbances: a case report of a 12 years old girl. VII Congress of the Macedonian Neurological Society, 07-09 May 2021, Book of abstracts, pg 44 29. B.Ademi, L.Alili Ademi, A.Taravari, D.Petrovska Cvetkovska, F.Mexhiti, C.Kerala, D.Cibrev, V.Miftari. Migraine Variants: Case reports of basilar migraine ande hemiplegic migraine. VII Congress of the Macedonian Neurological Society, 07-09 May 2021, Book of abstracts, pg 36 30. F.Duma, L.Alili Ademi, Lj.Muaremoska-Kanzoska, D.Nonkulovski, L.Milenkova, E.Koskarova. Post Covid-19 Neurological syndrome (PCNS): pediatric case series experience in tertiary care center. VII Congress of the Macedonian Neurological Society, 07-09 May 2021, Book of abstracts, pg 67 31. L.Zhivkovska, F.Duma, Lj.Muaremoska-Kanzoska, L.Ademi, N.Angelkova. Autoimmune encephalitis with antibodies against glutamic acid decarboxylase. VII Congress of the Macedonian Neurological Society, 07-09 May 2021, Book of abstracts, pg 73 32. Lj.Muaremoska-Kanzoska, F.Duma, D.Nonkulovski, L.Alili Ademi, Sh.Muaremoska Useini, V.Dukovska. X-linked adrenoleukodytrophy-case report. VII Congress of the Macedonian Neurological Society, 07-09 May 2021, Book of abstracts, pg 76 33. D.Nonkulovski, F.Duma. Lj.Muaremoska, L.Alili Ademi, E.Koskarova-Malinkova. Post Covid-19 encephalitis with encephalopathy in child with epilepsy. VII Congress of the Macedonian Neurological Society, 07-09 May 2021, Book of abstracts, pg 79 34. Learta A.Ademi, Blerim Ademi (2021) pediatric headaches: types, clinical features, diagnosis and managemnet, a literature review, International journal, Knowledge, Medical sciences and health, Vol. 45.7 April 2021, 1453-1460